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A recent graduate of Ohio Northern University, I picked up my entire life 3 weeks after graduation and moved to Louisville, Kentucky to begin my professional career and new life.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Twitter Assignment

The two people I chose to follow were Gretchen Rossi and Geoff Living. I felt these two people were very different in their reasons for using twitter as well as they type of person that would follow them. Gretchen is from the Real Housewives of Orange County and uses her twitter as a self-promotion tool, as well as a social tool. Mr. Living uses twitter as a self-promotional tool, social tool, but also as an informational tool. For example, this tweet from him "SF Chronicle video prompts White House threat http://t.co/pMh476p censorship from @whitehouse." This is a way of him connecting with his followers and letting them know about issues he feels are important.  On the contrast, Gretchen tweets "Just finished dinner with friends, On way to Blackfin now! Look forward to meeting everyone!"  This is her using twitter as a social tool. Gretchen tweeted 16 times on April 27, while Geoff tweeted almost 40 times on the same day.  Gretchen does not use hashtags much, Geoff does not use them often, but more than Gretchen does.  Geoff posts more links then hashtags.  I feel like both of these people are using twitter to connect with their followers and promote themselves, but Mr. Living uses it as an awareness tool, as well.

The two companies I chose to follow were St. Jude, a nonprofit, and Sharpie, a for profit company.  Both organizations use hashtags fairly frequently. In addition, both companies use twitter as a way to promote their products, and pretty much only for that purpose.  Sharpie played into pop culture more, by connecting many tweets to the royal wedding and ways the British could use sharpies.  St. Jude simply promotes their organization and gives hints of ways to donate to the organization.  Sharpie typically tweets under 10 times a day, while St. Jude only tweets about one or two times per day.  Both organizations use twitter in my opinion.  There is only so much that can be said about childhood cancer a day or a marker. 

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